CEREC - all-ceramic dentures in just one treatment appointment. In our practice, we rely on the state-of-the-art CEREC procedure. This allows us to create a precisely fitting denture from high-quality ceramic - without unpleasant impression materials or follow-up appointments: in just one session, thanks to our own laboratory.

What is CEREC?
CEREC stands for CEramic REConstruction. In this procedure, we scan your teeth with a special oral camera. The use of an impression tray with impression material and possible gagging stimulus is completely eliminated. The scanner transmits the data of your teeth to the computer, with which we can create your dental prosthesis with maximum precision in a 3D modelling program and adapt it precisely to your dental situation. The prosthesis is then manufactured directly in our practice and inserted into your teeth. In about an hour, you will have a high-quality, perfectly-fitting dental prosthesis that will last for decades.

CEREC - One procedure - many possibilities
With the CEREC procedure, we can not only replace a tooth that requires treatment or has been lost - partial crowns, crowns, bridges, inlays or veneers (ceramic veneers) can also be fabricated with the computer-aided procedure. Implants can also be fitted with crowns or bridges.

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